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Best places to bike or walk in Frisco

Where are the most enjoyable places to bike or walk in Frisco?

Share your photos of the great places in Frisco for walking or riding bikes, whether for exercise, enjoyment or to get to a destination.
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The paths at the Frisco Commons are great for walking, biking or roller skating!
The paths at the Frisco Commons are great for walking, biking or roller skating!
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I enjoy access to great paths in The Trails.
I enjoy access to great paths in The Trails.
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A green island of seclusion with art, history and fun.
A green island of seclusion with art, history and fun.
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We need clearly delineated bike paths
We need clearly delineated bike paths
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To bike? we need specific bike paths, even though there are signs everywhere, people honk at you all the time
To bike? we need specific bike paths, even though there are signs everywhere, people honk at you all the time
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